Wednesday 4 March 2009

Thanks again for your comments I have applied for 2 firms with freeview and satellite installation but no luck with them but thanks for the advice I will be looking for more. I would consider moving to other parts of the UK but as long as the money was much more to pay for my home and renting somewhere else.

Its great getting comments and if anyone is in a similar situation to me please email me and I will post your thoughts on my blog for others to read.


Anonymous said...

Hi Geraint

I saw the article on the BBC website about you and visited your blog, which is great. I've been made redundant 3 times in the past myself and it is one of the toughest of life's experiences, especially when you hit the 3 months plus without a job. You're probably sick of people telling you this, but don't give up! You may not have enough time with a family and job applications, but have you had a talk with your local voluntary centre? There will be tons of local charities crying out for someone with good computer knowledge to come and fix their systems or train others. It's a great way for you to get trained too. I now work for a grant making foundation and the number of charities who say that 50% or more of their volunteers go on to paid employment must mean it's worth a go! Okay, you won't get paid, but you'll have a focus and structure a day or two a week that'll put a spring in your step and a smile on the face of those who you help. Very best of luck.

edwardbruce said...

I was made redundant in December and still haven't found a job. I've got two months money left now so it's getting a bit tight. Not quite sure what I'm going to do but got to make some tough decisions quite quickly!

I can't complain though. I have no commitments in the world (no wife, no kids, no mortgage), I'm in Australia, the weather's great and I live near the beach.

Hope you find something soon.