Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Job interview!!

Hi on thursday last week I finally had a job interview! I thought great and got on my suit eager to impress but it wasn't to be. There was 600 CV's submitted to the marketing firm I applied for and only a dozen or so jobs available so I had not much chance getting it anyway. Never mind it will not stop me from trying and I will continue to do just that.

My son has been sick for about 5 days now so I hope he get's better soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why Job Boards Don't Work Like They Used To

Five or ten years ago, you could submit your resume to an internet job board and actually receive responses. Yes, the good old days. Today, if you primarily, or even heavily, rely on job boards for your job search you may receive a rude awakening. Here's why...

Read more at Bankingorbust.com